What forms of payment do you accept?
SandalStride currently acceptscashiers Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and PayPal.
The item I want is out of stock in my size, will it be restocked?
The minimum time to be available is 14days or 2weeks. We will send your notification If you leave your email address during registration.
Is it safe to use my credit card on your site?
Shopping at SandalStride is safe. The SandalStride Safe Shopping Guarantee backs every credit card purchase you make at SandalStride, and our site is protected by SSL encryption technology. Learn more about the SandalStride Safe Shopping Guarantee here.
How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
Shopping at SandalStride is safe. The SandalStride Safe Shopping Guarantee backs every credit card purchase you make at SandalStride, and our site is protected by SSL encryption technology. Learn more about the SandalStride Safe Shopping Guarantee here.
Do you do back orders?
Yes we do back orders
Is it safe to use my debit card online?
Yes. And please note: If you choose to pay by debit card, the amount you charge will be put on "hold", meaning it will not be available to you once your shipment is planned. Once your order is shipped, the amount of the transaction will be withdrawn from your account and the original "hold" will be voided.
Why should I sign up for SandalStride Emails?
By signing up for our email, you'll be among the first to know about special sales, the availability of new brands, limited-time offers, coupons and many other exciting features to help you get the most out of what SandalStride has to offer! We never rent, sell, or share your personal information. For further details please view our privacy policy. Sign up for email [here.] (/subscriptions/signup
Do you charge sales tax on any item?
Herolaworks LLC collects tax on orders shipped to Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.If you are shipping to any of these states, any applicable tax will be calculated on your merchandise total and displayed on your final order confirmation. Please keep in mind, if you live in a state that does not impose a sales tax, you may still see tax calculated on your order if shipped to a state listed above.
Which Internet browsers do you recommend/support?
In order to view this website correctly, we recommend using Firefox. We also support Internet Explorer 10 and above (for Windows users), or Safari (for Macintosh users).
What are cookies? Do I need to enable cookies on my browser to shop at SandalStride?
A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web site and is stored on your computer's hard drive. If your browser's preferences allow it (most browsers are installed with cookies enabled), each web site can send its own cookie to your browser. To protect your privacy, cookies do not store personal information but instead use anonymous unique identifiers. Each web site can only access the cookie they have sent to your hard drive, not the cookies sent by other web sites.You need to enable cookies on your browser to enjoy all the shopping features at SandalStride. Cookies need to be enabled on your browser so you can add products to your shopping cart and to access your SandalStride account information. If you share your computer with others and you do not want them to have access to your account information, be sure to log out before leaving your computer unattended. You can log out by clicking on "My Account" link at the top of the page. Then locate the "Logout" link at the top right, and click on it.For more information about how SandalStride uses cookies, see our privacy policy.
Can I combine multiple orders or add additional items to my order once it has been placed?
Unfortunately we are unable to combine multiple orders or add additional items to an order once it has been placed. We are only able to cancel orders and/or cancel selected item(s) before the order has shipped and you must call to cancel your order. Once an order is canceled, it may take up to 24 hours before you are able to place a new order for the same items. Please note, if you cancel your order, you run the risk that your selected merchandise will be out of stock.
How do I change the shipping address?
Please contact our Customer Loyalty Team by email at [email protected] immediately if you need to change the shipping address on your order. Due to security reasons, we cannot change addresses over email or social media.Please be advised that some orders are shipped very soon after order placement and it will not always be possible to make changes to the shipping address.
How do I cancel my order?
To cancel your order online, log in to My Account and click on the Order Number that has items you want to cancel. (The status must say Submitted or Processing to be eligible for online cancellation.) Check the items in your order you'd like to cancel then click 'Cancel Checked Items'. On the next screen, select a reason why you want to cancel the item(s) and click the 'Submit Cancellation' button. If your order was eligible for cancellation, the next screen will say: "Thanks! Your cancellation request has been successfully processed!" Contact our Customer Loyalty Team [email protected] immediately if you need assistance cancelling an order. Due to security reasons, we cannot cancel orders over social media. Please be advised that some orders are shipped very soon after order placement and it will not always be possible to cancel the order.
Why was the item in my shopping cart no longer available at checkout?
The selection on our site is live and reflects what is in stock at that moment. Placing an item in your shopping cart does not guarantee your right to purchase that item. Until you have completed the checkout process, another customer may purchase the item even if it is in your cart. If that happens, you will receive a message on the shopping cart page informing you that the item is no longer available and that you should remove it from your cart.
Why is the sale item that I had in my shopping cart yesterday no longer on sale today?
Your shopping cart will not secure sale prices for you. If you place an item in your cart at a sale price, the price will change once the sale has expired. We recommend that if you see something you like, place your orders as soon as possible!
Are you authorized to sell the brands you advertise on your site?
Yes, SandalStride is an authorized online retailer of all brands sold on our site, and we only sell original merchandise (no knock-offs or fakes here!). For a full list of brands that we carry, please visit our Brands page.
Do you sell factory seconds?
All of our merchandise comes directly to us from the brand manufacturers or one of their authorized dealers. We stand behind all of our merchandise, so please contact us in the event you feel something you received has a manufacturer's defect.
How do I unsubscribe from the SandalStride mailing list?
To unsubscribe from the SandalStride mailing list, please click here. [email protected]
When placing an order I get an error message stating that there has been an authorization failure. What went wrong?
Please double check that your full name, billing address and phone number is associated with the credit card you're trying to use. Also check that the credit card number and expiration date on your card matches what is entered. Sometimes your financial institution may place a temporary security hold on your card to ensure it is really you trying to make the purchase. This is especially common if you don't order online very often, if you've placed several online orders in a short amount of time, or if your card is very new. We recommend calling your bank to let them know you're trying to place an order so they can confirm your identity and clear your card for use again. In any case, since these error messages tend to come from your bank's servers and not from our site, we recommend calling your bank first for further information if you have received an authorization error.
How can I contact SandalStride for additional assistance?
If you need help with your order please feel free to email (Email Note: We advise a 24 to 48 hour turnaround time on emails. When sending an email, please make sure you are emailing from the address on your SandalStride account or we will be unable to assist in a timely manner.) We have immediate response on FaceBook and Skype @ SandalsStride
Does SandalStride offer coupons?
Every day SandalStride offers special savings on all of the best brand names. You can get your guilt-free daily fix for less at SandalStride vs. your local department store. Sign up for Email, friend us on Facebook, and check back regularly for special coupon codes and promotions.
Do you ship international
. Yes. We ship everywhere in the world On the checkout page, there will be a billing and shipping section. Please do the following: For the billing information • Enter your street address on Address Line 1. • Enter your City, County or Province, and Postal Code on Address Line 2. • Enter your Country for the city. • Enter AA for the state. • Enter 11111 for the zip code. For the shipping information • Please enter the correct information in the appropriate field. Orders placed with the use of an International Credit Card may take up to 72 hours to finalize prior to shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
I received Damaged, Defective, or Wrong Item(s), what do I do?
Please contact us immediately email [email protected] before you start the return process.
Do you have a guest checkout?
We do not currently have a guest checkout option. Please create an account to checkout
Do you price match?
We do not price match competitors of SandalStride.
Does SandalStride sell gift cards?
Yes! We offer e-Gift Cards for any amount between $50-$500. SandalStride e-Gift Cards never expire and carry no fees. Visit the e-Gift Cards Order Page to begin your purchase and send the gift of great style and amazing deals! SandalStride e-Gift Cards are only available for immediate delivery to the recipient via email and only one e-Gift Card per order. Note that when you purchase an e-Gift Card with other items, you will receive two separate order confirmations. Coupons may not be used to purchase e-Gift Cards and e-Gift Cards may not be used to purchase e-Gift Cards. To obtain your balance on a SandalStride e-Gift Cards, please call the SandalStride Customer Service Line at 1-888-676-2660 or view it on you’re My Account Page under Your Primary Account Information. Please visit the e-Gift Cards Information Page for all Terms and Conditions.
Looking to find your perfect fit?
View the Measurement Guide for help with heel height, handbag straps, dresses length, dress shirts and more. Measure your shoe size and find out the European/UK conversion with our Shoes Size Conversion Chart. Find your perfect fit!